INTRIGUING COMPOSITIONS | self reflection and awareness through mixed media collage, φωτογραφία (photography) and the written word of Maria Davradou |
Collage works
Intriguing Compositions
Φωτογραφικές (Photographic) Explorations
Individual Σύμβολα (Symbols)
Ποίηση (Poetry)
Short Stories
Scientific Publications
Honouring the Creativity of Others: a Space to Share
Commission Work: Our Visions Together!
Artist Statement
Book with Collage and Writings
Φωτογραφικές (Photographic) ExplorationsΦωτογραφία - Photography is closely related to my collage work: all my collage pieces are based on my φωτογραφιές - photographs. As I encounter the world that surrounds me through the lenses of my camera, I dive into a meditative state not different from the one I am in when I craft my collage pieces. Although θέματα - themes vary, they all share the same core: in the picture(s) I take I see untold ιστορίες - stories, forgotten journeys, human experiences, σύμβολα - symbols and potential for self trasnsformation and healing. Later on, and as I work with the φωτογραφίες - photographs and many other materials, informed by inner visions and guidance, my collage works emerge as new, composite ιδέες - ideas. Click on any image to enlarge