Honouring the Creativity of Others: a Space to Share

I devote this page to the works of a few individuals whose insights, creativity and, above all, willingness to share and engage in meaningful discussions continue to provide fertile ground for my own work. Thank you!

Studio photography of artwork:  All my original collage works were photographed in the studio by Robin Wong. Robin remains the sole photographer of my work for more than a decade.  Recently, his generosity of time and technical skill in overseeing the final stages of the digital component of my collage work have been vital. His dedication to his craft inspires me and his artistic vision compliments mine.  You can visit Robin at www.robinwongphotos.com or at emindphotostudio.com

Editing of my writings and sharing ideas and laughter. Here is a poem by Kyle McKillop, my colleague and friend, who joyfully offered his time to review and discuss the written part of my upcoming book. Poetry and exchange of ideas add colour to daily routines.


It took two matches (

two red birds held fluttering between my hands;

worth maybe, uh, four in the bush?

) to light my first clove cigarette


inhaling, the smoke sat on                               exhaling, the smoke twisted in the air

my tongue, opaque ice                                     like a spider crossing its web to prey

to numb my palate                                           or a man hanging from the rafters


I' m trying to make my mother cry;

the mother who likes to tell a story of

being sixteen and reaching across a checker-clothed restaurant table to

remove a smoke from the pack beside her older sister' plate

the mother who, as her own mother stared, horrified, lit the cigarette,

sucked deeply, and blew out a long grey cloud that stopped

only when slapped away with the back of an elegant hand


I want to return this favour, I want this delicious irony

home-cooked and served with a smile on her old dishes



in three weeks i pull a special out of the pack as i walk through her kitchen and she

laughs thinking it a joke give me a knowing look and turns back to her low carb




for now, I'm alone on my deck watching the slum set

maneuver their rusty cars to curb


the sun hovers on the horizon, the traffic never stops,

and the grey strands of smoke push away from my fingers and rise

remembering that they were born with a sense of direction



McKillop, Kyle "djarum" from Contemporary Verse 2. The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing. Vol 29(4): pg. 54. (CV 2 Winnipeg Manitoba, 2007). Included in my website with permission of the poet. Copyright 2007 by Kyle McKillpop.


I Can Do It!

In May 2012 I attended the I Can Do It!  conference held in Vancouver, Canada. It was during that time I came across, for the first time, the thought and work of individuals such as Ms Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ms Carolyne Myss and others. The reason for my attending was the work of two of the speakers whose books I had read the previous year: Dr. Bruce H. Lipton and Gregg Braden. The vision and dedication to my new book, the creation of the present website, and my ongoing commitment to the design of a new course for teens and adults are all indirect products of the hope and inspiration I was bathed in during those three days. For ever grateful to that event and to all whose hearts are encouraged to vibrate in frequencies I feel so familiar with. In the words and energy presence of Ms Louise Hay I recognized a kindred spirit and a sister soul. Her open sharing of love statements, an ongoing practice common to my service as an educator and colleague, encouraged and empowered my own vision and belief in positive energy, thinking shifts and healing.